anchor's Articles In Personal Relationships
December 7, 2003 by anchor
There is certainly something peculiar about this business of blogging. A mind may be brought to rest, at least temporarily. For now, He guidances me. The above matter is trivial. I shall look beyond it and continue. Though scarred, I accept my scars. No one can see them anyway. That's all that matters! It's a happy day PS: I deleted my first post - I'm a wuss.
December 21, 2003 by anchor
Well, what a rollercoaster it's been. I'm finally done with the temporary stresses that overcame me last week. It feels weird to have a fraction of the work now. I hope, though, to be well rested in the meantime. I've mentioned the "I can't do this" last time I wrote on this - well, I think I'm over that. Absolutely, totally and most certainly very disturbing in all senses of the word. Oh well, so goes the beat of life - irregular and surprise-filled. Work continues and life keeps going as it is...
December 18, 2003 by anchor
So ever been in a relationship where she comes in saying 'I can't do this' just out-of-the blue? Women - PUH! What do they know...
December 8, 2003 by anchor
I'd just like to say that I don't like math. Aaargh. I'll live. Really though, the inconveniences that life brings us. I really should play the lotter more often. Perhaps that'll work out some day, some time. What a day in either event: cold, stressful, sent 'the' email to her, aaah, more awaits to unfold, I'm sure. For the current period, however, I shall simply be part of the play, not the focus of it.